Mooresville Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Mooresville Criminal Defense Attorney

No one is prepared for the aftermath of an arrest. An encounter with police may have turned your world upside down, and now you need an effective defense strategy to help you put this matter behind you as quickly as possible. Depending on the facts of your case, a Mooresville criminal defense lawyer may be able to win favorable outcomes such as reduced or dismissed charges, less to pay in fines, minimized sentencing and penalties, or a non-guilty verdict.

Best Mooresville Criminal Defense Lawyer

At The Law Office of William T. Corbett, Jr., P.L.L.C., we are here to thoroughly investigate your case and explore every available option for minimizing the negative legal consequences. Our firm has extensive experience in representing cases with a variety of crime charges and clients from different backgrounds.

Why You Should Talk to a Defense Attorney and Not Simply Plead Guilty

Keep in mind that an arrest won’t automatically lead to your conviction. You have a right to defend against the charge with the knowledge and guidance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side.

Whether you are accused of a misdemeanor, felony, or federal crime, we can examine the facts of your case and build the strongest possible defense against the charges before defending you in a court trial. We represent clients facing a wide variety of violations, including drug charges, theft, drunk driving, boating under the influencegun possession, destruction of property, domestic violence, and traffic violations.

For a free consultation, please call us at 704-799-7076 or complete our contact form. The sooner we can get involved in your case, the sooner we can start protecting your rights and freedom. Attorney William T. Corbett, Jr., is a trial attorney with more than 30 years of experience. He represents clients in Mooresville, Statesville and throughout Iredell County and the surrounding areas.

Potential Penalties for Misdemeanor Offenses in NC

A misdemeanor is a less serious criminal violation than a felony charge, but a misdemeanor conviction can still have serious consequences. The state of North Carolina ranks misdemeanors by severity into four separate categories: Class 3, the least serious type, followed by Class 2 and Class 1 misdemeanors, with Class A1 crimes being the most serious misdemeanors. The specific crime and other details of your case will dictate how the law categorizes your offense.

Punishments for misdemeanors typically include some amount of time in jail in addition to paying costly fines. Class 3 misdemeanor convictions call for a maximum of 20 days of jail time and $1,000 in fines. An example of this level of crime is being found in possession of less than half an ounce of marijuana. Class 2 crimes have a similar penalty with a $1,000 fine, and the jail sentence can be up to 60 days. Examples are simple assault and check fraud under $2,000.

Class 1 convictions are punishable by up to 120 days in jail and paying a fine, the amount of which is decided by the judge. Examples of a Class 1 crime are larceny valued under $1,000, forgery, and driving with a suspended license. Class A1 crime convictions may result in a maximum of 150 days of jail time in addition to a fine at the judge’s discretion. Some examples include child abuse, sexual battery, and assault with a deadly weapon.

Possible Punishments for Felony Convictions

Felony crimes typically involve some element of psychological or physical damage and often involve violence; however, some white-collar crimes are categorized as felonies. The state classifies felony violations into ten ranks, from most to least severe: A, B1, B2, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Like misdemeanors, the specific details of your criminal offense as well as your previous criminal history will determine how the judge views your case.

There are no solid rules or guidelines for the specific punishments of a felony class, but the majority of cases are sentenced to some time spent in prison. All Class A felonies are subject to life in prison or capital punishment. Lesser felonies may be punishable by a combination of fines and probation in addition to a prison sentence of any length. Examples of felony crimes include aggravated assault, domestic violence, manslaughter, burglary, robbery, and arson.

The majority of misdemeanor and felony violations will be charged and tried within state court. However, sometimes, a crime will be considered a federal offense and is instead prosecuted in a U.S. federal court. Usually, federal crimes are more complicated due to an expansive use of resources and time; they also often involve multiple jurisdictions, including crossing state lines. Some examples are mail fraud and drug trafficking. Penalties are typically more severe as well.

How an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer May Defend Your Case

In many cases, errors on the part of police or prosecutors can result in charges being reduced or dismissed. We will look at every aspect of your case to determine the most effective defense strategy. Often, criminal defense lawyers have more access to relevant information, like police reports, than you would have if you were to represent yourself.

Some factors that we consider and check for when examining the details of your arrest include:

  • The arresting officer not having probable cause to suspect you of committing a crime
  • An illegal search and seizure during your arrest or otherwise
  • The reliability of witness testimony and whether it’s strong evidence
  • Insufficient evidence to prove you are responsible for breaking any laws

If the prosecution’s argument heavily relies on proof that is questionable, weak, or obtained unlawfully, it’s very likely your criminal defense attorney will be able to poke holes in their argument or suppress the use of that evidence.

If you are still found to be guilty in some capacity, your defense lawyer can provide evidence and arguments that speak to your lack of malicious or criminal intent, whether you were coerced or threatened, and more defense strategies that may lessen the potential punishments for the crime. Additionally, if you and your lawyer opt to choose the plea bargain moving forward, they can work toward you receiving the minimum available penalties.

How Much Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Charge Per Hour in North Carolina?

How much your NC criminal defense attorney may cost will depend on several details. Some contributing factors are the location where your lawyer practices and how experienced they are. If your defense attorney has an impressive education and extra qualifications, or if they have a positive and successful reputation in the area, then you can expect them to charge more. Greater experience means more positive outcomes in cases, which will directly translate to a higher fee.

Other circumstances that will likely influence your criminal defense expenses include the specifics of the case and whether or not you go to trial. Some criminal charges are resolved prior to going to court, but if not, your lawyer will charge for the additional time and work put into your defense, as well as the extra fees for filing and appearing in court.

If your case is particularly complicated or complex, the cost of a defense lawyer will likely increase due to the extra time and effort your attorney will put into researching and crafting an effective defense. Your situation may be complex if there are multiple charges, several parties involved, or there’s strong evidence against you. During an initial consultation, your lawyer will briefly review the details of your case and determine if it’s complicated, with a price estimation.

Not all lawyers in Mooresville, NC, will charge their clients the same way, but typically, the hourly rate ranges from $100 to $500. Some legal professionals may also ask for a retainer fee, which is to be paid upfront before they begin to work on your case, as a sort of down payment or promise for their payment upon providing their services.

Contact Our Mooresville Criminal Defense Lawyers Today

Before saying anything more to police or investigators, call us in Mooresville at 704-799-7076 or fill out our contact form. We have helped many clients walk away with minimal charges or no charges at all. We want to help you, too. We offer a free initial consultation, and we represent clients throughout Iredell County. Be smart and take action today so our passionate attorneys can begin crafting a strong case in your defense sooner rather than later.

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