How can traumatic brain injuries impact your daily life?

How can traumatic brain injuries impact your daily life?
How can traumatic brain injuries impact your daily life?
William T. Corbett, JR.

In the months or weeks following a serious car crash or another kind of accident, you may begin to feel different than usual.

Although you may not notice the signs immediately after the injury happens, brain trauma can impact your life in many ways. The intensity of these issues can also increase as time goes on.

Ability to concentrate

According to the Mayo Clinic, issues with your attention span and the ability to hold normal conversations are some of the most common problems after brain trauma. If you are struggling to remember facts or ideas from a few days ago while talking to other people, you may feel upset and overwhelmed.

This may become so apparent that your loved ones and family also notice a change in you. Some people may struggle to recognize any issues in their own speech, while their family members or friends can tell something is wrong almost immediately.

Odd and risky behavior

In the time after a head injury, you may increasingly try new and dangerous actions. You may also find yourself saying or doing things you did not do before, including struggling with self-control.

It may feel harder to understand people’s nonverbal cues or hints. This can lead to confusing and frustrating conversations and reactions to your behavior.

Depression and tiredness

If you notice an increase in the amount of anxiety you feel, or if you notice yourself failing to fall asleep at a proper time most nights, then you may have issues with brain trauma you do not notice. Severe changes in mood and sudden flashes of anger can lead to more stress for you.

Understanding how brain trauma harms you and impacts your life is important after a head injury.

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