3 things your future executor should know

3 things your future executor should know
3 things your future executor should know
William T. Corbett, JR.

When you create your North Carolina estate plan, an important part of doing so involves naming an executor, or a personal representative, who is going to manage your estate once you die. Most people name an executor in whom they have a great deal of trust, but there are still certain things you should tell this person to make his or her job easier.

Per AARP, the executor job often involves many moving parts, and you have control to some degree over how hard your executor’s job proves to be. To make things easier and help your beneficiaries gain access to what you leave them faster, make sure your executor knows the following.

Where to find your will

It may sound obvious, but many people die without telling their executors where to find the original copy of their wills. If you stored it with your attorney or online somewhere, make sure your executor knows how to access it.

Who needs to know about your passing

If there are people outside of your family or not named in your will who should know about your passing, make a list of their names and contact information and give it to your executor or let him or her know how to access it once you die.

What your passwords are

If your executor is going to pay off your debts and close out your accounts, he or she is going to need to know how to gain access to them in the first place. Keep a list of passwords and access information handy and make sure your executor knows where to find it when you die.

Make sure, too, to tell your beneficiaries to exercise patience with your executor. The process of settling an estate takes time.

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