Driver fatigue and traffic collisions

Driver fatigue and traffic collisions
Driver fatigue and traffic collisions
William T. Corbett, JR.

If you become involved in a drowsy driving collision, you could suffer debilitating injuries, financial costs and other serious consequences. This highlights the importance of staying alert and never taking to the road if drowsiness could affect driving abilities. Sadly, many drivers ignore this advice and try to operate a vehicle even though they are very tired.

Motor vehicle collisions occur for numerous reasons, but driver fatigue is especially dangerous. After all, when a driver is too tired to focus on the road, they could fail to stop in time or fall asleep behind the wheel.

Risks associated with drowsy driving crashes

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that drowsy driving crashes often take place on rural roads, and many accidents only involve one driver (without any passengers in the vehicle). These collisions are most likely to occur from 12 AM to 6 AM and late in the afternoon. However, drowsy driving accidents can happen at any time, and in any location. Moreover, some involve multiple vehicles.

Failing to get the right amount of sleep contributes to many drowsy driving collisions. Drivers also become drowsy due to certain medications, as well as demanding shifts (such as working for too long or late at night).

Statistics on drowsy driving collisions

According to NHTSA’s estimates, law enforcement received reports of 91,000 drowsy driving collisions in 2017, and almost 800 people lost their lives in these crashes. Moreover, drowsy driving accidents left 50,000 people hurt during 2017, according to estimates. Additionally, drivers should understand that experts believe that the actual number of drowsy driving accidents and injuries is higher.

It is critical to focus on your physical, mental and financial well-being after a drowsy driving collision.

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